From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Fri Jan 10 2003 - 15:07:09 MST

Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> Trans-Neptunian Objects. The rules were carefully chosen so that "Pluto"
> and "Charon" fit the rules for planets and TNOs. They are both Greek
> deities and mythological names associated with the Underworld.
> I don't see what is inconsistent here.

Harvey: You're mostly right, I reckon. But is the mythological Charon a _deity_?
I have never thought so. He was just a quasi-spirit stuck with a crummy job for all
eternity, by my reading. Where's a Classics major when you need one?

Now, as a character associated with Pluto who does a lot of to-and-fro, it's perfect.

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