Re: Transhumanism: The New Master Race? M

Date: Sun Jan 05 2003 - 12:13:25 MST

Hubert Mania opined:
<<What the discussion of the Lyle Burkhead memes are concerned:
They are not worth the interaction of photons with recycled electrons the
emails are written on.

Anybody seriously thinking about Nazi Germany as a model for transhumanism
is no lunatic anymore. He must have lost his whole cortex and started
thinking with his colon.

Hubert Mania>>

Whatever organ functions for Fourth Reich thought, these days; the question
is that of Success of Failure. If transhumanism gets adopted by the lunatic
fringe, as indeed, Darwinian theory and Neitzche's works did for the National
Socialists and Nationalists of the early twentieth century; frankly, thats
all that matters.

The threat of such people taking political power, or having influence behind
the policy makers, seems very remote. I could see them having more success in
joining with anti-technology groups. The racial purity aspect, lends itself
to "natural purity" with opposition to any genetically modified crop, or even
medical enhancements. Purity as the 'White Nordic Gawd intended it,' No
mud-peoples genes permitted, etc.

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