> I've been considering this thought, if augmented reality (superimposing
> digital images over the real world by using a transparent headmounted
> display) is right around the corner, <bold>why</bold> are we still
> working on developing true color holography for public displays and
> television?
Why are people working on electric cars when autogyros or telepresence
might be better? (I'm not arguing this, it is just an example)
* Researchers research their area, and will not abandon it just because
some other area is making progress.
* They do not know about the competition.
* There is no competition really, they solve different problems.
* Not everyone will tune in to your AR advertisements, but everyone will
see your huge hologram.
> Also I'd like to know your opinions as to which is better
> because AR is a step towards uploading where holograms are a step away.
This doesn't matter to the researchers, and seriously I don't think it is
possible to say holograms are a step away from uploading. In fact,
holografic scans of the brain *might* be one possible solution.
Anders Sandberg Towards Ascension!
nv91-asa@nada.kth.se http://www.nada.kth.se/~nv91-asa/main.html
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