Re: PHYS; Quantum Teleportation

Tony B. Csoka (
Sat, 13 Dec 1997 22:00:33 -0800 (PST)

By the way, for those interested, a reasonably good book I read recently
on cosmology is "The Whole Shebang: A State-of-the-Universe(s) Report" by
Timothy Ferris. It was here, I think, that I read that physicists have
speculated that the ultimate structure of matter at the quantum level may
be miniature black holes!! In other words, the smallest currently-known
subatomic particles such of quarks may be made up of incredibly small
localized singularities! This fascinating idea links up the two disparate
theories of ralativity and quantum mechanics. It also brings in string
theory and multi-dimensional hyperspace.

"The whole Shebang" is not quite as good as "Hyperspace" by Kaku, but it
is more up to date.
