Many have said exercise is good
but never has it been explained to me in a convincing manner.
1-What are the health benifits besides strong hearts, lungs, and ankles
(weak ankles cause many falls which lead to complications due to
> Paul Wakfer <> writes:
> > Most foods and vitamins/nutrients, etc. must go throught the
> > digestive system and the liver to be assimulated properly. You
> > cannot get a complete enough diet by parenteral feeding. It is
> > a dangerous and impossible long term practice and would be
> > extremely foolish to initiate voluntarily.
> That an ordinary healthy human should not try a parenteral diet is
> fairly obvious (what is the point, really?), but as far I know there
> are a few people who have survived on a parenteral diet for years
> after massive intestinal failure.
2-Did they die of nutritional deficiency?
While I'm speaking of them,
3-Have any tests been done to estimate the average length of life
after specific nutrients are removed from the diet?
I wonder how long it takes to die from each nutrient deficiency.
4-What phrases could I use for a medline search?
> > >Keep high oxygen saturation to reduce work by heart and diaphram.
> >
> > Your oxygen saturation is already as high as you can possibly use.
> > On the contrary, if anything you may want to *reduce* the amount
> > of oxygen intake (as long as all areas of the tissues are equally
> > supplied) and the subsequent amount of free radicals generated.
> > I have often wondered if people who live their lives at moderately
> > high altitudes may have increase longevity.
> But doesn't the lung capacity and red blood cell count increase,
> leading to a similar oxygen saturation?
Possibly, but there is generally less O at higher altitudes.
I imagine the red cell count balances the lack of O.
High red cell count also means high nutrient distribution,
provided there is enough fluid in the bloodstream to fill the capillaries.
If there are increased amounts of fluid in the bloodstream
(5- input technical term here: hyperfluidity?)
there are also increases in efficiency of temperature distribution,
preventing hyper/hypothermia, thus leading to decreased free-radical
from sweating/shivering.
6-Do people host more bacteria( which do not like high levels of O)
at high altitudes when they have a lack of white cells to fight them?
I've been wanting to know how low I can get my heart rate
if I increase my red cells and my O saturation.
7-Any predictions?
8-Hmm...any risk?
Hej, Anders. :-)