Re: urgent, peikoff radio try again

Dr. Jim Stevenson (
Sat, 4 Oct 1997 12:24:12 -0700 (PDT)

I am interested in trading tapes of Leonard Peikoff's radio show
Sundays 11A.M to 1P.M.
I am especially interested in a copy of the October fifth show.

I would also like to talk with anyone who receives his radio program by
If you have a full sized (not mini TV) satellite dish, and want to trade,
please phone and leave message with your phone number at (650) 604-5720
and I will call you on my $.
If you can't call please e-mail to

The show is on satellite c1, transponder 14, audio over video, 7.5mhz.

I have tapes of the show through 9-28, and want to acquire the first
hour, which will be blacked out in L.A starting 10-5.

If you live near L.A, you could call KIEV (213) 245-2388, and protest the
loss of the first hour. They are charging the Ayn Rand institute far more
than any of the other stations, and the institute can not afford the first