I came across another criticism site, entitled "The War Against Transhumans And Extropians: Impartial Progress" (yeeps). Its address is http://transhuman.singlegoal.com/ . It's run by the same people who run http://www.singlegoal.com/ , a site espousing "impartial thought".
The page begins, "Transhumanism concerns anyone who cares about progress and purpose in life. It is a rather rare kind of philosophy in that it holds progress to be both worthwhile and achievable through human effort, and that such progress should include evolving beyond human beings. The problem I have with them is that they lack sufficient passion for progress as well as the discipline to pursue it. They are stuck thinking in terms of ethics and values of the past."
So it seems like this person has a mistaken view of Transhumanism/Extropianism; I mean, dang, 'thinking in terms of ethics and values of the past'!? Hardly! :-) And even better, further down the person says "This website criticizes the shortcomings of my worst enemies, the transhumanists. While technically, I am a transhumanist myself, I will not try to argue over transhumanism's definition and instead consider myself an anti-transhumanist." Let's see...
"The challenge is not how quickly we can transcend humanity; every century that goes by is insignificant in cosmic terms. The only thing that matters is risk. We need to find the safest, most conservative, and most probable path to achieving a state of unlimited progress." Aha! This is sort of a combination of the 'Turning Point' people's views ( http://www.turnpoint.org ) with "transhumanism", the former distorting the latter. While centuries may be 'insignificant in cosmic terms', how many people will suffer and die in those 'insignificant' centuries?
Someone want to try and talk to this person? The contact address is abc@singlegoal.com
Ziana Astralos GCS/MC/IT/L/O d- s-:- a?
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