Re: Immortality

From: John Clark (
Date: Sun Dec 10 2000 - 22:27:53 MST

Harvey Newstrom <> Wrote:

>The question is why to you claim that multiple identical objects are
>really the same object.

I don't care if there is one object 2 objects or 22 objects, I'm not interested in objects,
I am not an object, I am description of what a certain sort of object does.

>Answer why you count multiple identical brains as a single brain.

I don't give a damn about brains, I only care about what brains do.
Identical brains do identical things

>>Straw man, we both know why.

> This doesn't explain anything either.

Do I really have to explain why the information on floppy disks is not dynamic?

         John K Clark

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