At 1:23pm -0500 12/10/00, John Clark wrote:
> Harvey Newstrom <> Wrote:
> > Your duplicate earth doesn't explain anything. It merely restates
> > your position. You claim that the duplicates are somehow connected
> > or mystically "one". But you don't explain why you claim this.
>If you're on the Extropian list I assume you believe that mind is
>what the brain
>does, if the brains are identical then what they're doing is
>identical and so the mind
>is identical and the feeling of self is identical. That doesn't seem
>very mystical to me.
You answered the wrong question. No one questions why two identical
minds would act identically. The question is why to you claim that
multiple identical objects are really the same object. When you
count hydrogen atoms in an H2O molecule, why should you count ONE
hydrogen atom instead of two?
> >You still aren't explaining why you think that just putting
> > them in the same environment mystically links them so that they
> > become "one" with each other.
>I believe I have explained that, identical things do identical things.
>Nothing very mystical about that either.
No, that is not the right question.
>If you don't like my
>answer then criticize it, but don't keep asking the same question.
You keep answering the wrong question. I keep trying to point out
what the right question is. Don't answer why two identical brains
act the same. Answer why you count multiple identical brains as a
single brain.
>Straw man, we both know why.
This doesn't explain anything either.
-- Harvey Newstrom <>
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