Re: Rebuilding the Extropy FAQ

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Dec 05 2000 - 09:06:56 MST

KPJ wrote:
> |Questions I'd love to see added to the list:
> |
> [list deleted]
> - What is the difference between extropianism and transhumanism?
> (This question has appeared before, and people ask me this all the time,
> but I have not seen any straight answer on this. Some people have suggested
> that extropianism equals transhumanism with libertarianism. Whether this is
> so or not, should be addressed in some way, I think.)

Conversely, especially since so many self described 'mainstream'
extropians object to that, I'd say extropianism is transhumanism without
the fasco-communist-borgism factions (some of whom describe themselves
as "Sexy New Democrats".) ;-)

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