From: "Randy Smith" <>
>>From Extrodot:
>>Chris Fedeli writes: "On Tuesday, November 28th, extropians and
>DC >locals Keith Lynch, Alan Grimes, and Chris Fedeli demonstrated
>>against a Greenpeace action protesting the EPA's decision to
>>consider Aventis' request for approval of their Starlink
>>genetically modified corn."
>>A resounding WELL DONE! to all those involved.
>Ditto to that. I wish I could have been there. I suppose that
>PR-wise there are drawsbacks to this kind of counterdemonstartion,
>as others here have pointed out, but emotionally, I love it.
This is one of those issues that will have extropians on both sides
of the fence.
I did some quick searching on this, including the EPA factsheet on
tolworthi (the organism) and its expressed Cry9C protein.
(Starlink). Note that Starlink uses a modified protein more
powerfull than that found in the original organism.
In part 1c they state " EPA does not have any information regarding
endocrine effects for these kinds of pesticides at this time." They
further state that the "company" claims there is some minor
staining for the presence of carbohydrates" in other words leaving
the door ajar as to whether it is an allergen.
Under part 3a they completely discount any exposure to the actual
toxin since the tests were performed on levels that might result as
residue from animal feed.
In part 1 the toxicology assessment part A Acute toxicity, they
mention that at these residual testing levels some test mice got
sick, but only the FEMALE mice. CLASSIFICATION Acceptable
Other fun things:
"should pest resistance to Cry9c corn be detected in the field
Aventis has proposed a remedial action plan that calls for
immediate suspension of seed sales in the affected counties once
resistance has been confirmed."
In the case of polyphagus pests (they feed on more than one
species) the pests may change food sources in the presence of Bt
In normal use of the toxin, the toxin is activated by the stomach
conditions of the pest it is inactivated otherwise. In Starlite
it is expressed as the active toxin.
So I'm not placing any bets on Bt corn.
If the biotech industry needs a killer app, the California wine
regions are facing devastation from the glassy wing sharpshooter,
maybe they can find some converts there.
Extropy Institute,
Adler Planetarium
Life Extension Foundation,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W
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