Re: as others see us

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Thu Nov 30 2000 - 14:22:56 MST

Randy Smith wrote:
> Wow. Tremendous post. What a perfect example of eactly what we are up
> against.
> > Though I admire the depth of vision and imaginative genius on display in
> >this work I have many problems with its philosophical underpinnings.
> >Broderick, and the scientists he discusses, seem to have little conception
> >of old age and death as necessary parts of the human life cycle.
> I am stunned almost speechless by the depth of the gulf between his thinking
> and ours. When I hear someone who is apparently educated and well-read make
> this statement, and realize that the vast majority of humans share his
> viewpoint, I wonder if we have any real chance to win them over, ever.
> Perhaps the old saying about how new ideas win acceptance--the holders of
> the idea paradigm simply die out, leaving the field open for the new
> --is completely correct.

I wouldn't say its completely correct. Don't buy into Kuhnism. Its
Saberhagen's Law: Fugheads is fugheads. Never underestimate the power of
human stupidity.

Now, I read the whole review, and he did try to start off acknowledging
and illustrating the hypocrisy of his own self confessed luddism, so he
tries to approach his review as an 'I've got clay feet, where are
yours?' type of underhanded attack.

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