Re: DC Extropians oppose Greenpeace

From: Randy Smith (
Date: Thu Nov 30 2000 - 12:34:19 MST

>From: "estropico >" <>
>Subject: DC Extropians oppose Greenpeace
>Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 16:59:16 -0000
>From Extrodot:
>Chris Fedeli writes: "On Tuesday, November 28th, extropians and DC locals
>Keith Lynch, Alan Grimes, and Chris Fedeli demonstrated against a
>action protesting the EPA's decision to consider Aventis' request for
>approval of their Starlink genetically modified corn."
>A resounding WELL DONE! to all those involved.

Ditto to that. I wish I could have been there. I suppose that PR-wise there
are drawsbacks to this kind of counterdemonstartion, as others here have
pointed out, but emotionally, I love it.

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