RE: PPT vs PDF :) (was: RE: Burning the Cosmic Commons Talk)

From: Frank Prengel (
Date: Wed Oct 18 2000 - 13:59:29 MDT

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eugene Leitl
> Dan Fabulich writes:
> > Save this file as a .ps file and run ps2pdf on it, which comes with
> > Ghostscript.
> Sounds like a recipe to get huge files. Rather use native .pdf export
> capacities.

Yep, the pdfwrite device does the job perfectly. Much better than Adobe's PDF
Writer, in fact, which for some strange reason couldn't embed the Symbol font
into the PDF, as a result of which Damien B. complained about lots of "???" in
the file that I sent him. Looks like you can't trust commercial software (and
it's not even MS this time ;)

Thanks for sharing your knowledge with me.


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