Re: Gay Extropians!!! (What have I started!??!)

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Mon Oct 09 2000 - 16:17:17 MDT

> I have no idea what studies you are talking about showing that bisexuals
> (and I assume you are talking about males here) have more success with
> women! Who does this kind of research?! I must read this! I've known a
> host of bisexuals over the years (I'm 25 at the moment), and know
> everything from married bisexuals to somewhat celebate ones. But I seem to
> think that straight men are more into the bisexual women fantasy than
> straight women are into the bisexual men fantasy. Still, I'm totally in
> favor of fantasy and self-constructed selves.... (try to focus this back
> to Extropian issues).
> - Eric

Check out _The Social Organization of Sexuality_ (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael,
I think straight women are more rare than straight men, despite what they say.
Extropy involves expansion of life forces in every direction, and bisexuality
has more extropic potential than homo or hetero by themselves.

Stay hungry,

--J. R.
3M TA3

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