someone make a venn diagram, you can't toss me onto it yet, i am
still /sold/ on the entropy tends to a maximum concept. can someone
reexplain extropy and correlate it to entropy? and also
singularity. and then we will talk about extension.
another thought i have been: does technology really minimize
[energy] transaction expenditure? explicitly: does
{summed}(development + engineering)kJ = < > {summed}(intrinsic
transaction)kJ ? what are these tendencies and conditions?
for instance: if i create/engineer a device that rotates a flap 10
deg and if I (and some of humanity occasionally) rotate the flap 10
degrees, does the energy expended on the development of the device
(physical material manipulation, human expenditure, biochemical
transaction: thought, prior thought, pH change, potential changes,
all energy transformation) equal the sum of all of energy required to
manipulate the flap, per "useable/maximum" transaction [amount],
using the initial/nonengineered method?
i am having problems deabstractifying the 'useable/maximum'
construct. however, words like appropriate, normal, and DNA are
"Corwyn J. Alambar" wrote:
> Might as well toss me in on that list, too...
> -Corey
> > me too
> >
> > --- Technotranscendence <>
> > wrote:
> > > On Thursday, October 05, 2000 2:05 PM
> > > wrote:
> > > > Ps. any other Gay Extropains on this list?
> > >
> > > Me.
> > >
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