Re: Human lives: Do the math (was: Impact on history)

From: John Clark (
Date: Mon Sep 17 2001 - 09:15:56 MDT

>> who do you think is more likely to advance the singularity,
>> the average resident of Wall Street or the average resident
>> of Afghanistan who can not read or write in any language?

Adrian `Guru Zeb` Harper < Wrote:

> I can't really excuse analysis based on this kind of thinking. [...]
> IMHO this is the one issue that makes the idea thoroughly un-Extropic,
> and even possibly a Entropic mem. [...]
> IMHO these kind of ppl as resource ideas can be dismissed after few
> minutes of thought. [...]

Well now, that's all very interesting but I noticed one thing, you didn't
answer my question.

   John K Clark

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