> > Question: As us Extropians accelerate faster and faster away from
I thought Robin was a Singularity skeptic--one of the few things
I agree with him about.
> > "mainstream" society ( or even more extreme, the great teeming unwashed
> > masses), how do you see society as a whole reacting to us?
> Huh? Society is catching up to the Extropians, while the Extropian
> ideology per se is basically standing still. Look at _The Matrix_!
> The Singularitarians are as extreme as transhumanism gets - does anyone
> dispute that? - and I'm as extreme as Singularitarians get, and I, at
> least, don't think your average guy is going to notice much difference
> between me and Robin Hanson.
-- Lee Daniel Crocker <lee@piclab.com> <http://www.piclab.com/lcrocker.html> "All inventions or works of authorship original to me, herein and past, are placed irrevocably in the public domain, and may be used or modified for any purpose, without permission, attribution, or notification."--LDC