That is why it is called fiction.
I read a terrible (albiet similar) review in the SF Chronical (which has
always been a terrible source for information.) The reviewer sounded like a
bitchy queen who was in a bad mood. The problem I've noticed with SCIFI is
Jeff Taylor
"Still loving the movie, regardless of its fictional plot holes"
ps- pardon my unusually harsh opinion
-- "An artist cannot fail; it is a success to be one." -Charles Horton Cooley, Life and the Student ----------
>From: Robin Hanson <>
>Subject: Matrix Shmatrix
>Date: Fri, Apr 9, 1999, 4:27 PM
> OK, all the buzz on this list about the movie "the Matrix"
> got me to see it. My review: ich.
> On the positive side I guess you might say they take the ideas
> of virtual reality and artificial intelligence seriously.
> (Then again you might not.) And it had a lot of action &
> violence (no sex) for folks who like that sort of thing.
> On the negative side, humans cloud the skys to take solar energy
> away from AIs, who then grow humans as energy sources, putting
> them in a virtual reality to distract them from being eaten?!
> Special humans born with an ability to hack the AI's operating
> system better than the AIs?! AIs who have to run and chase
> things in their virtual reality rather than just deleting the
> relevant files?! AIs too stupid to out guess spunky humans
> or to find the hidden human "city" on an Earth run by AIs?
> A fight for human freedom lead by an all-knowing "oracle" who
> gives orders and explains little? Pleeaase.
> An engrossing cartoon perhaps, but hardly a fruitful basis
> for thinking about the future. Similar but better movies
> were Dark City and Total Recall.
> Robin Hanson
> RWJF Health Policy Scholar FAX: 510-643-8614
> 140 Warren Hall, UC Berkeley, CA 94720-7360 510-643-1884
> after 8/99: Assist. Prof. Economics, George Mason Univ.