Re: Media: Future of the Internet
Fri, 13 Jun 1997 20:09:22 -0400 (EDT)

Natasha writes:

> I am being interviewed for a business magazine about where the Internet is
> going - and what we expect to see around 2010 and beyond. The audience is
> more business orientated than necessarily technical. The angle I am
> is one of a free-fall imagination of undaunted possibilities for
> transhumans. This is good because the magazine is interested in
> possibilities.
> Any points you might think are especially fascinating and surprising would
> be helpful. I don't want to miss anything that you all might think is
> important, so please participate.

Due to the availability of information, anonymity and ability to do business
on demand, I expect successful companies consisting of teenagers and young
adults to become commonplace. Children that are recieving a better education
than we ever did (due to the availability of information) will have newer,
more original ideas and will stand a better chance in the fast paced digital
economy. I expect most of todays companies will not be able to survive the
dramatic changes ahead. Large companies will split into smaller, more
malleable parts.