Polarization ain't digital

Michael Lorrey (retroman@tpk.net)
Sun, 27 Apr 1997 17:50:13 -0400

John K Clark wrote:
> Even polarization is digital, sort of. Pick a direction at random, and for
> any photon of unknown polarization there are only 2 choices, it must be
> polarized in that direction or at right angles to it. If it makes it through
> your polarization filter, it could make it through a thousand set in the
> same direction, and so could any twin photon correlated with it. If it
> doesn't make it through then the photon was polarized at right angles to the
> polarization filter, as can be proven by the correlated photon.

Every photon has varying degrees of vertical and horizontal
polarization. When you use a polarizing filter, all it does is filter
out the amount of polarization in a photon that is at right angles to
it. If you have a photon with 45 degress of polarization and an
amplitude of 1.414, its amplitude is reduced to 1 as it loses one or the
other leg of polarization to become oriented at either 90 degress or 0
degrees. Imagine it as a vector equation with a 1/1/2^1/2 triangle.

			Michael Lorrey
mailto:retroman@tpk.net		Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
Agent Lorrey@ThePentagon.com
Silo_1013@ThePentagon.com	http://www.tpk.net/~retroman/

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