Well, it seems to be done by resurrecting the last of the classical
economists Henry George. Toward the end of the 1800's, he wrote a book
called _Progress and Poverty_ ( available online at
<http://www.henrygeorge.org/pplink.htm> ) which sold 3 million copies
and sparked off the progressive movement. It provides subtle arguments
against Marx and not-so-subtle arguments against Malthus. The strict
georgist libertarianism of the kind that Henry George advocated can be
seen espoused at the Dan's Geolibertarian Home Page
<http://www.geolib.pair.com> which has a page called "Greens and
Libertarians: The yin and yang of our political future"
which I highly recommend. The progressive libertarian caucus within
the Democratic Party of the US known as the Democratic Freedom Caucus
<http://www.progress.org/dfc> was founded by the same fellow that
started the Maryland Chapter of the Green Party.
But perhaps I'm putting the cart before the horse. Let's get back to
basics for a moment shall we. First thing that you must understand
when talking to Greens are the green values. "The Original Ten Key
Values of the Green Committees of Correspondence" with the questions
used to clarify them can be found at <http://www.greens.org/gcofc.html>
and Harry Reid's response to them can be found on page
<http://www.atlantic.net/~dwatney/reid/reid01.htm> in the section
labeled "Libertarian and Green Values." We are infinitely compatible
movements with similar roots and understanding this will help us both
get that much closer to reaching our goals.
In liberty,
BilLee Miller