Re: "urban legend awareness" meme

Hal Dunn (
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 22:33:02 -0400

>From: Anders Sandberg <>
>Date: Tue, 22 Apr 1997 11:07:05 +0200 (MET DST)
>Subject: Re: "urban legend awareness" meme

>> My theory is that the
>> Internet has also facilitated the spread of the "Here's something else that
>> didn't really happen" meme.
>That may be because refutations can spread much more quickly. Rumor
>epidemics usually last until a refutation meme is spread. On the net,
>refutations quickly appear (their hosts often engaging the legend hosts in a
>flamewar), so net.legends that doesn't pretend to be true (and hence
>cannot be refuted) have a higher fitness.

YES! This is exactly what I was thinking.

Hal Dunn