DNA Computers, Protein Memory
Hacking the Universe's Kernel
The Dividing & Replicating Neuron
Global Climate Manipulation
A Race of Humanoid Drones for Labor
Simulating Drug experiences on uploaded beings
Human-created emotions (& playing them back)
Retrieving & Recreating stored memories
Femtotech: Super computers using quarks instead of electrons and uploading
to them.
Strange matter as planetary warfare
Gradual vs Flash uploading (component-by-component or wet organism)
Brain Hackers
Wet Uploading Organism
Ideas for worlds in post-uploading or city structures
Evolving art objects (featured in Virtuosity)
Strict nano matter property boundaries
Nano assembler matter repository
Pave the Streets w/virtual ads (augmented reality)
Life's Cradle: Tufa Towers on Mars?
Artists vs Engineers (right vs left brain)
Entropy an addiction?
Bio/Silicon Brain Hybrid
Holograms vs Augmented Reality
Legions of Soldiers w/Railguns (Future of Warfare & from Eraser)
Making Deserts Bloom (pump raw sewage mixed w/grass seed into deserts to
"The Warp Fund" (StarTrek convention booth for Extropians)
The All-Purpose Nanite (will never exist)
Beyond The Beyond
Biological Drones (remotely controlled by uploads or uploaded to)
Superconduction of Gravity (& using it to mold new space-time architectures)
Programmed Ignorance, Uploading & Speed Limits
IDEA: "Site Cloaking" Technology
Cheapo Augmented Reality & Telepresence Spycams
Rich upload realms & Hybrid terrestrial/extraterrestrial evolution
Foul ups in brain functioning = Creativity?
Casper-eske tail on future avatars due to vestigial legs?
Hairless future evolution of humanity?
"Matter Cube" for Portable Assemblers
Cloning for parts (Human Chop-shop)
"Risk: You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage
to lose sight of the shore."
Chris Hind (chind@juno.com) Upward, Outward, ACTION!
Email attachments: (bholat@earthlink.net)
NeoReality (Personal) http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/6810/
Ethereal Outlook (Extropian)
&S;print pack(C,$_^=$s[($s[$x]+$s[$y])%256])}sub S{@s[$x,$y]=@s[$y,$x]}