Re: Perception of Reality? Boundry of self? (Was: Reality)

Hara Ra (
Sun, 26 Jan 1997 19:41:21 -0800

Mike Cowar. wrote:

> 1)Close your eyes.
> 2)Extend your arms.
> 3)Scratch your palm for a bit.
> Your hand is not feeling that.
> Your brain is.
Or, what I think my brain is (having never seen it) is.

> I once asked,"What is reality?".
> To which some one replied,"What are you?".

I did.
> I think it is strange of me to think of something that abstract
> with such perfect timing.

Just your local neoneurocybershaman serving you...

| Hara Ra <> |
| Box 8334 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 |