RE: Optimism [hall's merchants of immortality]

From: Ramez Naam (
Date: Sun Jul 20 2003 - 19:05:08 MDT

  • Next message: Lee Corbin: "RE: Extropian Productivity (was RE: flame wars)"

    From: Brett Paatsch []
    > In the Epilogue p345 hardcover at bottom.
    > "Leonard Hayflick and a number of other prominent gerontologists
    > have become so annoyed by the claims of life-extention enthusiasts
    > that they recently prepared a manifesto. The document -
    > written by Hayflick, S. Jay Olshansky, and Bruce Carnes and
    > signed by a number of scientific luminaries, including Robert
    > N. Butler, Steven Austad, Tom Kirkwood, George Martin, Carol
    > Greider, and Andrew Weil - flatly asserts that dramatic
    > increases in life span are unlikely. "The prospects of
    > immortality," the scientists state, "is no more likely today
    > than it ever has been, and it has no place in a scientific

    As Aubrey states, this quote from the book is incorrect. Steve Austed
    was asked to sign that document and elected not to.

    Also, the text above distorts the document somewhat. The document (as
    quoted) says that "immortality" is no more likely today than ever
    before. It does not say quite the same about substantial slowing of
    human aging.

    The "Position Paper on Human Aging" refered to is here:

    The list of authors and endorsers is here:

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