unicorn jelly complete and done; worth a read

From: Reason (reason@exratio.com)
Date: Mon Apr 14 2003 - 17:46:13 MDT

  • Next message: J Corbally: "RE: The first hero of the war"

    Unicorn Jelly is an oddball scifi/fantasy pseudomanga (becomes less
    mangalike and very much better as time goes on). I've been reading it for a
    while. It finished today, and is well worth a read; perserve through the
    earlier, older stuff -- it becomes very interesting for universe-builders
    and people who enjoy speculative physics or stories that expect the
    intelligent reader to fill in the gaps.


    Start at the URL above: don't go to the main site homepage unless you want
    one of the endings spoiled for you :)


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