Re: Arab World Stunned by Baghdad's Fall

From: Brendan Coffey (
Date: Sat Apr 12 2003 - 15:30:21 MDT

  • Next message: Damien Sullivan: "Re: God Squads, was Re: IR*Q: Predictable catastrophes of human stupidity"

    Quoth Damien:

    > > $1.3B is not a "tie" with $1.98B. That's a 52.3% difference. The US's
    > > aid to Israel in 2003 will be $2.1B. And $12B is over 3x the US'
    > > total foreign military aid allocation. Damien is conflating total
    > > foreign aid figures with foreign military aid figures. Confusion aside,
    > I thought we were *talking* about total foreign aid.
    But the individual figures being quoted (1.3B, 1.98B) were military
    aid figures. So, there was confusion in one direction or the other.

    > > > > Where'd you get *that*? $12 billion is close to the USA's total
    > > > > foreign aid budget, and Israel is always described as the largest
    > > > > recipient. With Egypt second: $3 billion for Israel to $2 billion
    > > > > Egypt. Some web
    > See? Biggiest recipient of foreign aid, then I talk about total foreign
    > aid, with the numbers of Israel and Egypt which I've always heard.
    > The later numbers seemed low, which I guess is explained if people
    > switched to only talking about military aid.
    Yes, that would make the numbers appear low.

    Spike thinks we should include expenditures on toppling popularly-elected
    governments and installing dictatorial puppet regimes (Iran, anyone?).
    I can't see that this counts as "aid." But, if my experience with
    individual humans (myself included) is at all applicable to international
    relations (heh), simply giving people money is rarely helpful, as they
    don't know what to do with it.

    -Brendan <>


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