Re: POLITICS: Neo-Conservative policies and power

From: Charles Hixson (
Date: Tue Apr 08 2003 - 12:15:25 MDT

  • Next message: Hal Finney: "Re: Climate:Cool&Warm"

    Michael Wiik wrote:

    > wrote:
    >> ...
    > ...
    > My view, in a nutshell: There are conservatives of various stripes,
    > one of which is called neoconservatism. The shortest definition of a
    > neocon is 'a liberal who's been mugged'. But I don't get the idea that
    > neoconservatism is derived in meaningful measure from conservative
    > values.
    > ...
    > -Mike

    Militarism is a traditional conservative value, and that seems to be
    what is being claimed as their major drive. I know that there are many
    other conservative values, but they aren't being claimed, in this
    article at least, for the "neo-cons". Also, calling Mr. Bush a trot is
    ... a bit wierd. He may share some similar values, but he would never
    admit it, at least not publically.
    Mind you, when I say Mr. Bush, it is my suspicion that I'm referring to
    the father of the current "president". He seems to me to be parroting
    his lines, and when I look around his father seems like the most likely
    puppet master.

    -- Charles Hixson
    Gnu software that is free,
    The best is yet to be.

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