Re: Why a new Resolution is NEEDED.

From: John K Clark (
Date: Thu Feb 27 2003 - 10:20:37 MST

  • Next message: "Re: Why a new Resolution is NEEDED."

    The reason the USA went to the United Nations was to get the UN blessing for
    the war, it would help politically; 1441 gave a sort of half hearted
    blessing and the second resolution the USA favors would give a little more,
    although even there I don't think the word "war" is mentioned. Three more
    1) There is no UN resolution saying the USA must not go to war with Iraq.

    2) The USA has signed no treaties saying it will not use force war without
    UN approval.

    3) Like it or not (and I'm not sure I do like it) it looks almost certain
    that this war will happen, if the second resolution is not passed it could
    be the end of the UN.

            John K Clark

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