RE: asks you to vote for most dangerous country

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Fri Jan 31 2003 - 20:32:13 MST

Hubert fires a shot below the belt:

> Sad, sad, sad to read a disgusting self-righteous letter like this one from
> John Grigg. Sounds like the essay of an eight year old brainwashed boy.

When you can't address the substance of an argument, or feel
for some reason feel disinclined to, there's always the old
ad hominem attack.

> Shame on you, American cowboys! Shame on "Pax Americana"!
> For the very very first time in the 48 years of my life I feel a faint pride
> to be citizen of a nation that does not agree with US aggression all over
> the globe, though its representatives may surrender at last.
> Hubert Mania, Germany

Do you have ANY IDEA AT ALL what *real* aggression from a
superpower would be like, Hubert?

"Aggression all over the globe!" Ha! You make it sound
like the U.S. is being run by the likes of Hitler or Stalin.
Instead, we witness the historically peculiar spectacle of
a superpower meekly asking everyone in the world whether or
not they think it's a good idea, and timidly begging for
UN approval.

Did Gladstone a century ago give one whit what anyone thought
about British Imperialist policies? Did Bismarck or Napoleon
(ether I or III)? You don't seem to be facing the reality
that this "aggression all over the globe" is a chimera.
Explain why the phrase "American colonies" does not mean
colonies controlled by America? Do a Google search if you
don't believe me.


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