Re: Iraq: the case for decisive action

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon Jan 27 2003 - 13:23:01 MST

John K Clark wrote:
> "Kai Becker" <> Wrote:
>>Had the current US regime be in charge 1940, it wouldn't
>>have gone against Nazi Germany,
> Actually, the USA did not go to war with Nazi Germany in 1940 because in
> that year there was a powerful peace movement in the land; it makes you
> realize that peace movements are not always on the side of the angels.

It makes me realize that Peace Movements will get the blame
whether we go to war or not, or when we are in a war. In the
latter case such are decried as "unpatriotic" and
"demoralizing". In the case of a war we later entered and saw
as a good thing the Peace Movement was obviously showing its
true and nefarious colors. In the case of a war we later
entered or were in and subsequently considered largely wrong,
the Peace Movement is seen as largely responsible for any
unsatisfactory outcomes of that war.

- samantha

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