Re: Iraq: the case for decisive action

Date: Fri Jan 24 2003 - 09:15:44 MST

In a message dated 1/24/2003 3:34:08 AM Central Standard Time, writes: Well, did the allied forces find bin Ladin?
Did they destroy the Al-Qaida network? Not at all.

You seem very sure of yourself. Are you positive we didn't bury him under
one of those mountains he was hiding under? If he is alive and his network
is intact how come we never get to listen to his cell phone calls anymore.
Is his network destroyed or are they merely so scared they don't make contact
with each other any more? Or are they reduced to sending messengers back and
forth to deliver their communications by hand?
       Now, if you are sure he is alive and well please send his address to
Donald Rumsfeld. I think Mr. Rumsfeld wants to send him some visitors. BTW,
have you noticed that everyone knows where Mr. Rumsfeld lives but no one
knows the location of Osama or even if he is alive or dead? Now who is
       2nd BTW, we know we have disrupted their strategy because they
published it on line. They were going to use the same strategy they used
against the Soviets. They would entice us into the countryside and use their
superior knowledge of the terrain to conduct hit and run raids until we were
picked apart. They did go into the countryside. We did follow them. Then
things seemed to go awry. They seem to be doing a lot more running than
hitting, raiding or picking us apart.
Ron h.

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