Re: Transhumanism: The New Master Race?

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Fri Jan 03 2003 - 14:56:45 MST

> ( <>):
> You said in your post, "Although overly verbose, it raises
> many good questions that the transhumanists appear to be
> more concerned about than do extropians."
> Extropians are transhumanists. Alternatively, what you meant was "...that
> some transhumanists appear to be more concerned about than do extropians."
> You probably think I am being picky. I am. Why? Because somehwere,
> somehow, somone started separating out the meme transhumanist from
> extropian rather than including extropian in transhumanist.
> Do I care? Yes I do.
> Natasha

That was Lee Corbin, but I take your point. His lack of quantifier
is confusing, and may be intepreted by some to indicate disjoint or
unrelated sets. Likewise, your unqualified "Extropy is a
transhumanist philosophy" is unclear for the same reason--it can be
misinterpreted as stating an equivalence relation rather than a
subset. I'm just being picky in the other direction; I want to make
it clear that Extropians are a distinct subset of the transhumanist
movement without our own values and philosophies.

We don't really disagree here, it's just that you want to
emphasize common ground, while I think it's more important to
emphasize our differences.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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