J R Molloy wrote:
> Robert Owen wrote,
> >Yes, well, if we don't use symbols to point, we'll have to
> >use our fingers, which would be rude.
> "Don't bite my finger. Look where I'm pointing."
> --Mulla Nasruddin
Well, this has to be today's winning non sequitur; much more to the point is:
"Mulla looked at him and said, "You assume things are going to go well, and they don't - that you call bad luck. You assume things are going to go badly and they don't - that you call good luck. You assume that certain things are going to happen or not happen - and you so lack intuition that you don't know what is going to happen. You assume that the future is unknown. When you are caught out - you call that Fate."
> --<>-- --<<<+>>>-- --<>--
> "May you live in eternity's sunrise,
> on the seashore of endless worlds."
> --Willie and Rabindranath
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> ,8888 888 ?888888P 888 8888,
> 8888888P' 888888 `?8888888
> 888P' 888888 `?888 yin yang
> `88 O d888888b O 88'
> `?._ _.o8888888888o._ _.P'