Re: The distinguished J.R. Molloy: Pointing & Coding

J. R. Molloy (
Sat, 20 Nov 1999 20:21:50 -0800

Robert Owen wrote,
>Yes, well, if we don't use symbols to point, we'll have to
>use our fingers, which would be rude.

"Don't bite my finger. Look where I'm pointing." --Mulla Nasruddin

>And your T'ai-chi is a bit lumpy, don't you think? I made
>a cursory effort to decode it as HEX but null; it can't be
>OCTAL, so what is it? Are we in a sharing mood today?

Oh sure, we like to share.
The symbol has nothing but ASCII text in it... composed with Microsoft Notepad.
Convert it to plain text (copy and paste into Notepad), and the lumps smooth out.

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"May you live in eternity's sunrise,
on the seashore of endless worlds."

--Willie and Rabindranath

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