Re: Child abuse (Was Re: Is the death penalty Extropian?)

Zenarchy (
Tue, 1 Dec 1998 16:19:22 -0800

>Zenarchy [] wrote:
>>What more likely candidates to support and join the ranks of a rather
>>kind of police state than formerly abused kids? As a consequence,
>>of child abuse equates with prevention of a police state.
>Then you just have to deal with the police state you created in order to
>"prevent child abuse"; remember, about 2/3 of the Waco warrant was about
>"child abuse", even though no evidence had been found by the local
>authorities and it was entirely outside the BATF's jurisdiction.

The police state recruits (not entirely, but to a large extent) from the ranks of formerly abused children. (The psychological profile of a cop, and that of a crook look surprisingly identical.) Consequently, to starve the police state and take away its fuel, decrease the number of children who get abused, so that they won't grow up to become agents of the police state. Don't use the current police state to try to reduce child abuse. Use community action, education, networking with other parents, counseling, and every method available to private citizens, to prevent child abuse.
>>Children who grow
>>up in healthy, happy homes don't become the purveyors or builders of
>>states (or so it seems to me).
>Actually, I'd say they're at least as likely to push for a healthy, happy,
>safe police state as the others are. Police states seem to be a healthy,
>happy middle class phenomenon.


Healthy, happy middle class police states? That doesn't seem very extropian somehow.
Extropian police states, although conceivably healthy and happy, would experience difficulty escaping the black holes of their self-contradicton. Despite this, they might elicit a soft chuckle from the mists that lie heavy over the tomb of Neitzsche. Do I alone view extropy as the opposite of police statism? -zen

PS: I had never before considered police states capable of health and happiness. Bee hives and ant colonies had always seemed repulsive to me when used as paradigms or analogies for human social organization. When the hive mind promises euphoric wellness, I in turn measure that against peak experience moments of my own manufacture. Life ordered by committees stagnates by boring citizens to death in never ending meetings. Conclusion: The most insidious abuse of children surely involves persuading them to prefer security over spontaneity. In contrast, transhuman values prevail by enabling people to attain their full creative potential.