Zenarchy [J.R.Molloy@shasta.com] wrote:
Then you just have to deal with the police state you created in order to
"prevent child abuse"; remember, about 2/3 of the Waco warrant was about
"child abuse", even though no evidence had been found by the local
authorities and it was entirely outside the BATF's jurisdiction.
>What more likely candidates to support and join the ranks of a rather nasty
>kind of police state than formerly abused kids? As a consequence, prevention
>of child abuse equates with prevention of a police state.
>Children who grow
Actually, I'd say they're at least as likely to push for a healthy, happy,
safe police state as the others are. Police states seem to be a healthy,
happy middle class phenomenon.
>up in healthy, happy homes don't become the purveyors or builders of police
>states (or so it seems to me).