Re: Immortality

From: scerir (
Date: Fri Dec 08 2000 - 01:32:28 MST

scerir wrote:
<.................a copy is not the original.....................>
That's because a perfect cloning machine
can not exist [*].
And that is the proof of
the existence of human soul......
[*] W.K. Wooters, W.H. Zurek: Nature, 299, 802, (1982)

Damien wrote:
No. At best, it's proof of human uniqueness (a moral/political lesson Peter
Medawar drew decades ago from immunological specificity).
And I do wish people would stop using the term `clone' to mean `exact
duplicate', which a clone isn't. The convenient >H term is `xox' (from

A probabilistic perfect xoxing machine is possible.
No more human uniqueness? [>No more human souls?]
But since this machine is "probabilistic" we can get a
perfect xox but also ... a lot of rubbish.

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