Re: George Will on post-humanism

Mark Phillips (
Fri, 18 Jun 1999 16:34:16 CDT

Reasonable rhetorical questions, Count. I do think, however, that discussion(s) of current and near-future technologies as they relate to the whole aggression/defense thing is rather relevant. As methodological individualists, it is always interesting to dialect-out the issues/memes surrounding a given technology vis-a-vis aggression/defense, etc. What's the social dynamic/dialectic of "X" technology? What legal rules might we need? What rule(s) is(are), by what ever criteria, "optimal." Etc., etc. As both methodological and normative individualists, it's always at least somewhat productive to discuss current technologies, as they relate to interpersonal relations, and then extrapolate the basic arguments/memes/protocols into the context of future technology(s). Of course, admittedly, extrapolation can be (and oftentimes more-or-less inherently is) off-the-mark (sometimes, way off!). Cf. Deutch's discussion ("story"), in the last chapter of his very (re)commendable book, *Fabric of Reality,* of the medieval architect who, suddenly finding himself in OUR culture and, most especially, with OUR tech-know-how, exclaims, "Gee! We can NOW build a MILE-HIGH cathedral--ain't it great!?!?!!! Of course, *WE* NOW have no such interest whatsoever. So extrapolation is oftentimes frought with such problems. Nevertheless, it's (way) better than NOTHING, and can help dialect-out (meta)memes for the TRANSITION period(s) as we begin to actualize/instantiate new, world-changing technologies (and this point is meant to be more-or-less explictly Hayekian/Popperian/Habermasian, in case anyone gives an (intellectual) hoot!! (and yeah, yeah, yeah, I realize that's a heck of combination of personages just now, but hey, check
'em out: I think what I articulated is a good synthesis of what those guys
would say on the subject....) Anyway....gotta go.

Best regards to all,


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