21st Century Medicine (21CM) is the only company in the world with a well-funded research program to achieve suspended animation. 21CM occupies two buildings in Rancho Cucamonga, California that are about a quarter of a mile apart. The first building houses the company's Critical Care Medicine Division, which is conducting advanced research to restore clinically dead patients to life (resuscitation), and to induce rapid, reversible, full-body cooling in patients suffering from hyperthermia (dangerously high body temperature).
The second building houses the company's Cryobiology Division, where 21CM scientists are exploring new vistas in cryopreservation. Revolutionary 21CM breakthroughs in freezing and vitrification represent significant progress in the company's quest to achieve perfected cryopreservation of hearts, kidneys, brains, and, eventually, entire human beings.
On Sunday, Nov. 8, 1998, 21CM will present a seminar on
its research findings in the 3rd floor Amphitheatre at the Marriott
on 2200 E. Holt Blvd., near Ontario Airport in Southern California.
will be formal presentations by 21CM scientists from 9am to 1pm,
followed by lunch and guided tours of the 21CM buildings until 5pm.
Here is the formal program for the Seminar: (Videotapes of the
proceedings will be available from 21CM).
Saturday Nov. 7, 7:30 PM Reception at the Marriot Hotel
Sunday Nov. 8: AM
By Gregory M. Fahy, Ph.D. & Brian Wowk, Ph.D
The exciting news about the recent fundamental advances in cryoprotection that herald a new era in cryomedicine, by the scientists who made them. 9:30 - 10:00 - FREEZING/VITRIFICATION OF SIMPLE BIOLOGIC SYSTEMS By Gregory M. Fahy, Ph.D. & Brian Wowk, Ph.D How 21CM's technologic advances are leading to improved methods of cryopreserving sperm, embryos, corneas, skin and other biological tissues, as well as engineered tissues developed by biotech companies.
10:00 - 10:15 - EARLY-MORNING BREAK
By Gregory M. Fahy, Ph.D. How improved vitrification solutions are leading to dramatic advances in the cryopreservation of complex organs and organisms. 10:45 - 11:15 - ADVANCES IN BRAIN RESUSCITATION By Mike Darwin Astonishing breakthroughs that have enabled 21CM scientists to restore dogs to healthy life after up to 17 minutes without oxygen at normal body temperature. 11:15 - 11:45 - A NEW METHOD OF INDUCING HYPOTHERMIA By Mike Darwin How "liquid breathing" can reduce core body temperature dramatically, without direct access to the circulatory system.
11:45 - 12 Noon - LATE-MORNING BREAK
Panel discussion with Gregory M. Fahy, Ph.D, Brian Wowk, Ph.D, Steve Harris, M.D. and Mike Darwin moderated by Saul Kent, with comments and questions from the audience. At 1pm, conference registrants will be transported to 21CM'slaboratories for lunch and guided tours of both 21CM buildings. 21CM staff will be available throughout the afternoon for informal discussions regarding 21CM research and its implications for medicine and society.
For further information about this event, please contact Brenda Peters in Southern California at: 818-993-6903 or 909-466-8633 or e-mail her at: 72727.560@compuserve.com
Registration for the 21CM Seminar/Tour on Nov. 8 is $50.
To register by phone call toll free: 1-877-277-0322.
To register by mail, please send a check or money order for $50 to
21st Century Medicine,
10743 Civic Center Drive,
Ranch Cucamonga, CA 91730.
Rooms are available for Saturday night, Nov 7, at the Marriott Hotel at the special rate of $65 by calling 1-800-228-9290.
wakfer@gte.net Voice/Fax: 909-481-9620 Page: 800-805-2870