For those of you who are interested. Most of the Money-By-Stuffing envelopes scams are remarkably similar and silly. Usually you see an ad for making money at home stuffing envelopes which asks you to send $XX.XX for the "kit" to get you started.
Nice and circular, huh?
---davelook <> wrote:
> >Would anyone by any chance know whether this another ripoff (they
> >take the $ 27.00 and vanish), or a legit business? If so,
> >it might be nice money maker for the Americans and Canadians on this
> >list...
> Yea, it would be great to make $700 "just mailing circulars from
> These are ripoffs...
> 1) If they did it themselves it would be much more efficient with
bulk mail
> and high volume processing.
> 2)The Post Office Box for address is a dead giveaway.
> This is one of the oldest scams and a staple of the conartists in the
> "business oppurtunity" field.
> But then again, maybe they will pay you all that money just for
> circulars!