Re: Does anyone know these guys?

Terry Donaghe (
Mon, 17 Aug 1998 05:16:21 -0700 (PDT)

For those of you who are interested. Most of the Money-By-Stuffing envelopes scams are remarkably similar and silly. Usually you see an ad for making money at home stuffing envelopes which asks you to send $XX.XX for the "kit" to get you started.

This "kit" is simply instructions to place the same ad in other newspapers using your own address and then stuff the same "kit" in envelopes to the suckers unwise enough to send you the dough.

Nice and circular, huh?

---davelook <> wrote:
> >Would anyone by any chance know whether this another ripoff (they
> >take the $ 27.00 and vanish), or a legit business? If so,
> >it might be nice money maker for the Americans and Canadians on this
> >list...
> Yea, it would be great to make $700 "just mailing circulars from
> These are ripoffs...
> 1) If they did it themselves it would be much more efficient with
bulk mail
> and high volume processing.
> 2)The Post Office Box for address is a dead giveaway.
> This is one of the oldest scams and a staple of the conartists in the
> "business oppurtunity" field.
> But then again, maybe they will pay you all that money just for
> circulars!


Terry Donaghe
Pancritical Rationalist
"Live free forever or die, dammit!"

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