I have been thinking about recent postings relating to music--which music enhances mental processes, which music might be considered 'extropian', technical processes for predicting what sort of music an individual might want...and I agree that any listing of 'extropian' music would have to include the tastes of many individuals. I myself would have to nominate punk and post-punk for inclusion, that explosion of intelligent rage that burst across the Atlantic to find homes in squalid little clubs in various cities. ('squalid' meaning you had to carry a baseball bat to go downstairs to the bathroom...) If you avoided the skinheads, you could find a collection of hypersmart freaks who found little value in the limitations of mainstream culture, who valued 'interesting' over 'pretty'. The aethestic survives today in industrial, grunge, hardcore techno, cyberpunk literature and the Doc Martens in Nieman Marcus.
Kathryn Aegis