On Fri, 21 Sep 2001, Natasha Vita-More wrote:
> I'm not sure what the current leanings of this thread have to do with the
> Subject line. Would you kindly let us know, of if it is off-subject,
> please start a new thread.
What one sentence summary would you give for Extropian Principles? How
about, "The betterment of humanity through high technology"? If that is
close, I am asking that one look at the hazards of the the modern
lifestyle in the broad sense and see where technology can better the
living conditions of people. The incentive should be RATIONALLY based
according to the principles I read. And rationality would look at the cost
of not acting in terms of casualties/fatalities would it not?
> At 04:44 PM 9/20/01 -0700, POC wrote:
> >Surely. The safety and well-being of all citizens is our platform.
> >POC
> >
> >||||| The capacity exists now to construct a machine with superhuman "g",
> >superhuman knowledge and superhuman learning ability. By the 2012 US
> >Election the real power in the Whitehouse will be a robot |||||
> >
> >On Thu, 20 Sep 2001, Michael M. Butler wrote:
> >
> >> Are you seriously interested in a deep conversation about this, or
> >> are you just kicking sand? Please advise.
> >>
> >> MMB, winnowing wheat from chaff
> >>
> >> Party of Citizens wrote:
> >> >
> >> > How many Americans have been killled by bad technology (techno-terrorism
> >> > if you will) over the past decade compared to those killed by human
> >> > terrorists? By preventable traffic fatalities and preventable pollution,
> >> > etc.
> >> >
> >> > POC
> >
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