Re: Extropian principles (Off-Subject?)

From: Natasha Vita-More (
Date: Fri Sep 21 2001 - 08:51:56 MDT

I'm not sure what the current leanings of this thread have to do with the
Subject line. Would you kindly let us know, of if it is off-subject,
please start a new thread.


At 04:44 PM 9/20/01 -0700, POC wrote:

>Surely. The safety and well-being of all citizens is our platform.
>||||| The capacity exists now to construct a machine with superhuman "g",
>superhuman knowledge and superhuman learning ability. By the 2012 US
>Election the real power in the Whitehouse will be a robot |||||
>On Thu, 20 Sep 2001, Michael M. Butler wrote:
>> Are you seriously interested in a deep conversation about this, or
>> are you just kicking sand? Please advise.
>> MMB, winnowing wheat from chaff
>> Party of Citizens wrote:
>> >
>> > How many Americans have been killled by bad technology (techno-terrorism
>> > if you will) over the past decade compared to those killed by human
>> > terrorists? By preventable traffic fatalities and preventable pollution,
>> > etc.
>> >
>> > POC

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