Re: Rotting in Hell

From: Miriam English (
Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 10:47:12 MDT

At 07:31 AM 13/09/2001 -0700, Brian D Williams wrote:

> >From: Damien Broderick <>
> >>At 07:10 AM 9/12/01 -0700, Brian D Williams wrote:
> >>Yesterday was the last straw for me, whatever happens to the
> >>palestinians after yesterday they deserve in full. They can rot
> >>in hell next to the people who attacked us yesterday.
> >I hope you'll rethink this. Children in Palestinian schools stood
> >for a minute's silence in respect for the American dead.
> >Palestinians, reportedly, have lined to give blood for the
> >victims. They know only too well what it's like to be victimized
> >in their own lands.
>I am rethinking this, but its time for the Palestinians to knock
>off the rock throwing and get serious about negotiating for peace.

That is a little unfair. They have been serious about peace for a very long

Try cramming a heap of US citizens into a tiny and deprived space with
appalling restrictions upon their normal movement, with most of what you
would consider essential rights taken away by faceless, brutal soldiers and
see if those US citizens would be peaceful. *Of course* some of the
Palestinians have gone for the violent solution, what else could be
expected? Many normally enlightened members of this list have been braying
for incredible and truly terrifying violent solutions lately.

The Palestinians are just people. They are the same as the people on the
other side of the border. When you forget that they are people then you can
justify atrocities... exactly the same way those fools who rode the
airplanes into the WTC did.

>The image of them cheering is hard to get rid of.

Which is probably why the clip was played over and over again... or maybe I
am wording that wrongly. I should probably say that the viewers were played
by those that screened the tape of those kids. It was guaranteed to get a
nasty reaction. It almost certainly was not representative. So, why do you
think they showed it?

         - Miriam

Q. What is the similarity between an elephant and a grape?
A. They are both purple... except for the elephant.
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