Re: Hawking on AI dominance

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Thu Sep 06 2001 - 13:52:57 MDT

On Thu, 6 Sep 2001, James Rogers wrote:

> A more accurate way of describing it is that there is no OS currently
> in existence (that I know of) that intrinsically supports general
> massive parallelism. The reason for this has more to do with the fact

It's not just the OS, the whole architecture is fux0red. I can imagine
hierarchical FPGAs being anywhere in the ballpark of a small insect, but
the usual Jaquard-derived architectures are just ridiculous. CPU smart,
memory dumb. Mill, mill, mill, iterate sequentially. Bleh. Makes one wants
to reexamine which century we're in.

> that supporting GMP as a feature of the OS makes it architecturally a
> good bit different than what we have today and it will generally run
> like a dog on single processor machines, hence the bias. Also, there

If you have 1e6 nodes, you most assuredly would want to cut down the
redudancy to a minimum. No OS, that's for certain. No von Neuman, that

> isn't a lot of appropriate hardware to run it on lying around.
> Therefore, "massive parallelism" as used today describes an
> unnecessarily brittle and fragile software technology (and to a lesser
> extent, hardware).

Parallelism is parallelism, the brain is massively/embarrasingly parallel,
yet it is certainly not very Rube Goldberg. So, we should not be limited
to the state of the art when discussing future architectures.

> Nobody designs computer hardware and operating systems for GMP, as it
> is much cheaper to weakly glue together lots of copies of existing
> hardware so that they can get by with minor tweaks of their existing
> OS code base. In a nutshell, nobody expects their systems to be used
> in this way. This mandates inadequacy.

Clusters are great for protypes, but prototypes is all they're good for.
Excellent bang for the buck, but it grows stale in realtime.

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