RE: [Longevity Meme] first hack at the news section complete; take a look

From: Reason (
Date: Wed Sep 05 2001 - 13:04:40 MDT

--> Natasha

> From: Reason
> >Better still, help me out by submitting the odd link here and there.<
> I'm just finishing up the "Transhsumanist FAQ" which will be
> located at There is section pertaining
> to Superlongevity. Why don't you send me information that you
> would like me to put in this section and I will link to your new site.

Just to clarify my confusion here -- isn't there a rather nice transhumanist
FAQ already at Not to say that more hurts, indeed
more is better (no pun intended). Diversity is good. Is there any relation
between the two FAQs?


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