Re: Fwd: Taming the Web - Can the Internet be controlled?

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Sat Sep 01 2001 - 01:56:18 MDT

On Fri, 31 Aug 2001, Mike Lorrey wrote:

> Yes, there was an interesting article in Smithsonian Magazine this
> month on the fellow who has pioneered this. I've been wondering what
> computer applications could be developed with this in mind: profiling
> and comparison software, as well as de-profiling software. An
> automated thesauraus word swapping bit with a grammar restructurer
> would do wonders.

Yes, something like that should be part of a privacy/anonymity package.
Unfortunately, current users don't value their privacy highly yet, so it's
not a viable market.

It has to be something free, written by rabid cypherpunks.

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