Re: Fwd: Taming the Web - Can the Internet be controlled?

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Fri Aug 31 2001 - 11:57:21 MDT

Eugene Leitl wrote:
> On Fri, 31 Aug 2001, Chen Yixiong, Eric wrote:
> > We don't just talk about whether governments can spy on your message
> > in transit, but whenever you can actually remain anonymous.
> Well, you can. It's not very hard. It is then useful to destroy your
> fingerprint, though, as e.g. even short passages of text can be
> statistically analyzed for your word frequency and phrase fingerprint,
> which is rather unique.

Yes, there was an interesting article in Smithsonian Magazine this month
on the fellow who has pioneered this. I've been wondering what computer
applications could be developed with this in mind: profiling and
comparison software, as well as de-profiling software. An automated
thesauraus word swapping bit with a grammar restructurer would do

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